The Global Health Diplomacy Network (GHD-NET) brings together researchers and practitioners with the common goal of improving capacity for health diplomacy. We believe that better health negotiations can improve global health. We use training, research and information-sharing to ensure that all participants can be more engaged and in a position to influence the outcomes of international negotiations.
To support the goals of the Network, the GHD-NET website aims to facilitate access to research, policy analysis, official documents and news about global health negotiations. It seeks to be a portal for policymakers, negotiators, policy analysts, and researchers involved in the design, negotiations, and implementation of collective responses to global health challenges. It also functions as a repository of documents and capacity building tools developed by members of the Network. Kamagra 100mg is the answer if your partner is not satisfied with your sexual performance
WE are in a period of transition, and this website is not regularly maintained. Check our facebook page for updates!
The Journal of Health Diplomacy-NEW WEBSITE!
The Journal of Health Diplomacy (JHD) is an open-access, peer-review journal that publishes editorials, original research papers and commentaries on issues pertaining to the field of health diplomacy. In keeping with its objective – of generating and disseminating research to ensure foreign policy decisions and discourses on global health are informed by the best available evidence – issues are published twice annually on a thematic basis; themes are selected based on their timeliness and relevance to the field. JHD welcomes contributions from all academic disciplines, including anthropology, geography, history, international relations, legal studies, political science and sociology. Les troubles de l’érection peuvent avoir de nombreuses causes, mais sont généralement faciles à traiter avec du Viagra 100mg sûr et efficace. Avoir ou ne pas avoir du Viagra est redondant dans un monde sexuel.
The Health and Foreign Policy Bulletin
The Health and Foreign Policy Bulletin is a monthly publication of the Norman Patterson School of International Affairs which provides policymakers with an overview of the latest research on global health.
The Bulletin provides short summaries of peer-reviewed research papers, news items, and policy developments on ten major global health themes. It is published 11 times per year and is distributed electronically to policymakers, diplomats, public health and foreign policy practitioners, and researchers around the world. Cialis in Australia: Will it really help with a ED problem?
This publication is not currently being published.
The eleven themes of the Bulletin are:
- Global health security
- Health and states in crisis/conflict
- Human rights and global health
- Global health governance and institutions
- Health and development, health systems
- Human resources and migration of health workers
- Trade policy and health
- Research on access to effective medicines
- Response to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria
- Global action on chronic disease prevention
- Global action on Non-Communicable Diseases
The Bulletin has been published since October 2008.
The Health Diplomacy Monitor
The Health Diplomacy Monitor aims to report and inform readers about international negotiations currently underway which have a significant impact on global health. The objective is to “level the playing field” by increasing transparency and making information about the issues and proposals being discussed more readily available.
Distributed electronically five times a year and free of charge, the Monitor seeks to facilitate the active participation and constructive engagement of a wider diversity of countries and actors in health-related negotiations. The Monitor is published by the Centre for Trade Policy and Law and receives financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation.
Please note that the Monitor is not currently being produced. We hope to be back soon! Check our facebook page for updates!
You will find below the latest issues of the Monitor.