
Viagra for women: What’s it like and how does it work?

Does Viagra Do Anything For Women


Although Viagra is typically associated with erectile dysfunction treatment, women can still experience a lack of sexual excitement. Viagra does not have an effect on women but there are similar drugs that target the woman’s sexual organs. Some women has had success taking off brand Viagra but it is fairly uncommon. The more accepted treatment for low sexual desire in women is Two drugs called flibanserin and bremelanotide. These two drugs are designed to treat low sexual desire in women. The reason that men and women require two different types of drugs to treat low sex drive is because the same drug may have a different effect on the opposite sex.

Flibanserin and bremelanotide

Flibanserin and bremelanotide, the two medications approved by the FDA for treating low sex drive in women, are taken differently than Viagra is taken by men. Men are able to Simply swallow a pill when it comes to Viagra but when it comes to flibanserin, women must inject the drug directly into die or the stomach 30 to 40 minutes before sex. As for bremelanotide, it can be taken like Viagra and swallowed in a tablet format. These medications used to treat low sex drive in women are often referred to as female Viagra.  As mentioned before, some women have had success using off brands of Viagra. It was virtually the only option for women before Flibanserin and bremelanotide were created. 

Can women experience ED

Women also suffered from the same sort of low libido that men do. They may be better at hiding it but it doesn’t mean they are experiencing it any less then the opposite sex. The difference is that it is a far smaller subset of women who experience low sex drive as compared with men. Around half of all men experience erectile dysfunction while only around 10% of women have low sex drives of their Own. This can result and some myths and misunderstandings about female Viagra. Many women do not even realize that female Viagra exist and even still they may not realize they are even experiencing a low sex drives. A doctor’s consultation is not required for one can discover they may be experiencing a low sex drive.

Causes of low sex drive

There can be a variety of causes of low sex drive and sometimes it is difficult nailing down exactly what is causing the problem. If you can get to the root of the issue it can sometimes be better than taking Viagra for women. The reason for this is that there are some side effects associated with the medications used to treat low sex drive in women. If you think you can get to the root of your low sex drive and it could be psychological that there is perhaps a chance that you can resolve it without medication. The best way to find this out is by Consulting with your doctor as well as a mental health professional. Perhaps you are suffering from a psychological issue such as stress or depression and this could be suppressing your sex drive.

Decreased libido

Another difference between Viagra taken by man and female Viagra it’s the way it is taken. Viagra is typically swallowed as a pill and female Viagra is often injected. There is also a difference in the frequency that it is taken. And will take Viagra 30 to 40 minutes before sex while women will take female Viagra once a day preferably before bed. There are some side effects associated with female Viagra and they can include some rather bizarre ones. One example of these side effects is actually experiencing even more decreased sex drive. Some more notable side effects of female Viagra include:

  •  Dizziness
  •  trouble getting to sleep
  •  feeling nauseous
  •  being overly tired
  •  having a dry mouth
  •  low blood pressure
  •  and feeling light headed
  •  or fainting

Low sex drive

Although it is rare, patients have reported experiencing and even lower sex drive when taking female Viagra. This is the most notable of the side effects but others include a loss of interest in sex, frustration, brain feeling incompetent, and a lack of sexual arousal. It is worth at least giving female Viagra a try if you are experiencing reduce sex drive. You can always stop taking it if you are not experiencing the desired results.

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