About SCCF
The Sickle Cell Cure Foundation, Inc. (SCCF) is a nonprofit corporation registered in the State of Oklahoma. Its 501(C) (3) status has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service of the United States as of February 12, 2007. Thus, all donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible. The date of SCCF’s incorporation was July 28, 2006.
SCCF Purpose
Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) affects more people in the world than any other genetic disease. Globally, almost one-half million babies die from SCD each year. They have discovered a treatment that promises permanent relief from the suffering, pain and premature death caused by SCD. Sickle Cell Cure Foundation have devised a strong global plan for delivering this treatment. Female Viagra is a much overlooked product: Does the Female Viagra work just as good as the men’s?
Global Mission
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a global problem. As the most common genetic disease in the world, SCD touches the lives of millions and affects many more. People of at least five racial groups and numerous ethnic origins have inherited the sickle gene. SCD is correctly classified as a “tropical disease”. Kamagra oral jelly: can this jelly solve all your bedroom problems?
HbF (fetal hemoglobin) suppresses the expression of sickle cell disease. In addition, a recent literature review by the imminent Dr. David Weatherall suggests that HbF protects infants from malaria during the first year of life,until HbF levels decline to modest levels through a normal developmental transition as quoted below: In vitro studies. Viagra 100mg in Australia for Erectile Dysfunction: Uses,
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Accomplishments in 2013
The SCCF and EpimedX, LLC together developed relationships with additional partners. The international company that manufactures the chemical used in treatment has provided over $300,000. to further research. In mid year, Analytical Edge Laboratories, also located in the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center Research Park (formerly Presbyterian Health Foundation Research Park) agreed.
In the United States, SCD affects primarily people of African descent. But this pattern of prevalence is changing, with increasing numbers with SCD being found among Hispanics, Native Americans and Caucasians. SCD affects a large percentage of people in Central America as well as significant numbers in the Carribean and in South American countries such as Brazil. In the Mediterranean countries, SCD is found in people of Portuguese and Spanish descent, as well as in French Corsicans, Sardinians, Sicilians, mainland Italians, Greeks, Turks and Cypriots. Prevalence is increasing in other European countries such as France, Germany, and the UK, due to both to newborns (new incidence) as well as migration from African countries. Sickle cell disease also affects large numbers of people in Middle Eastern countries, Indian and Asia. And approximately 70 percent of the global number of SCD cases are in Africa. SCD is the most frequently occurring genetic disease on earth.
Approximately 1 in 12 African-Americans are carriers of the Sickle Cell Trait. Many more are afflicted worldwide.
The average life expectancy of someone who suffers from SCD in America is about 40 years. Where treatments are not readily available, they often die in early childhood. In underdeveloped countries, 60-to-80 percent of babies`with SCD die before two years of age.
SCD causes lung tissue damage, pain episodes and stroke. The blockage of blood flow caused by sickled cells also causes damage to most organs including the spleen, kidneys and liver.
People who suffer from SCD have mostly hemoglobin S, an abnormal form of hemoglobin. However, all people are born with hemoglobin F, or fetal hemoglobin, which does not sickle. Normally, by six months of age, hemoglobin F expression switches to hemoglobin A, normal hemoglobin, or in the case of someone who suffers from SCD, hemoglobin S.
The Sickle Cell Cure Foundations’s cure is based on introducing a protein that causes a reversal of this switch, from HbS back to HbF. There are some people in whom this occurs naturally, and they do not suffer any of the symptoms of sickle cell disease.
The Sickle Cell Cure Foundation, Inc.
601 NW 13th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73103
Telephone: (405) 706-5802